Economics News

Economics Instructor Wins Excellence in Teaching Award
Yan Li honored for dedication to students, curriculum and instruction Yan Li is the recipient of the University of Mississippi’s 2015 Graduate Instructor Excellence in Teaching Award. Li was recognized during the doctoral hooding ceremony Friday (May 8) at the Gertrude C. Ford Center for the Performing Arts. In addition to being presented a trophy […]

George Akpandjar Wins National Graduate Competition
A Ph.D. student in the Department of Economics recently won the 2015 Barry M. Moriarty Graduate Paper Competition sponsored by the Southern Regional Science Association. George Akpandjar won the $1,000 prize in the national competition. Previous winners were from Duke, University of Texas at Austin, University of North Carolina at Chappell Hill, Texas A&M, Ohio State and University […]

Lorin Dawson Receives Golden Key International Society Scholarship
Among the beautiful beaches and carnival celebrations, University of Mississippi junior Lorin Dawson is hoping to gain practical experience in the Brazilian business environment with the help of a scholarship from Golden Key International Honour Society. Dawson, of Lafayette, Indiana, is a recipient of the Joan Nelson Study Abroad Scholarship, which provides recipients with $2,500 […]

Former Federal Reserve Economist Thomas Garrett Joins Faculty
While the troubled national economy is not as far along in the recovery process as many had hoped, a UM faculty member says its downward spiral is definitely over and the future is brighter. Thomas A. Garrett, a former assistant vice president and research economist in the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, is a […]

Scotland Calling Economics Major Neal McMillin
Taylor Medalist Neal McMillin of Madison spent the summer in Scotland pursuing his dream. He used a $5,000 Barksdale Award from the UM Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College in pursuit of creative, courageous projects and ambitious, independent programs of study and research. McMillin, a Newman and Barnard Scholar with a double major in Southern Studies and economics, investigated Scotland’s pioneering […]

Ask the Experts: Policy Changes for a Brighter Retirement
CardHub recently published an article featuring the insights of Jon Moen, associate professor of economics and department chair, discussing potential retirement policy changes. We’ve all heard there’s something of a perfect storm brewing on the retirement front, what with the U.S. population aging rapidly, Congress preoccupied with partisan politics, and the Great Recession wreaking havoc on our […]

UM Moneythink Chapter Awarded Morgan Stanley Grant
Money has its privileges, at least for the University of Mississippi chapter of Moneythink. The 2-year-old program started in 2011 by Jon Stephens, a senior economics major, and Mary Margaret Johnson, a senior public policy major, when the group was awarded a $10,000 grant from Morgan Stanley, an investment and wealth management firm. The grant […]

Economics Major Orion Wilcox Studying Abroad on Critical Language Scholarship
An ever-shrinking world continues to increase the need for individuals to be able to collaborate and compete for jobs in the global market. With this in mind, many American college students are seeking ways to immerse themselves in an additional culture and language. Getting ahead in this effort is senior economics major Orion Wilcox of Bay […]

Student-Athlete Gabby Rangel Receives UM’s Highest Academic Honor
UM women’s tennis player, international studies-economics major Gabby Rangel was honored with a Taylor Medal at the annual Honors Convocation April 12, 2012 at the Ford Center for Performing Arts. The Taylor Medal is the highest academic honor a student can receive at the University of Mississippi. Rangel received a Taylor Medal in the College of […]

Economics Major, Mississippi Teacher Corps Alumna Golda Sharpe Named Top Teacher
Mississippi Teacher Corps alumna Golda Sharpe has been named Teacher of the Year at North Panola High School in Sardis. Sharpe, who has taught algebra at North Panola High School since graduating from the University of Mississippi in 2009, was selected for the award by fellow teachers for her tireless work with nearly 75 ninth- […]