Economics News

Sophomore Takes On ‘New Challenge’ in Washington, D.C.
Economics student interning with congressman, studying at George Mason University MARCH 16, 2023 BY CLARA TURNAGE University of Mississippi sophomore Camron Cross is learning the ropes of politics in the nation’s capital firsthand this semester as he lives, works and studies in Washington, D.C., as part of The Fund for American Studies program. Cross, an […]

University Invests in the Future and Business of Esports
Esports program delivers $95,000 in scholarships to new recruits, players MARCH 13, 2023 BY CLARA TURNAGE With the awarding of $95,000 in scholarships this semester to new students, the University of Mississippi has invested in not just the game, but in the career path of esports. John McDermott, director of esports programs, awarded 12 recruits […]

UM Student Named Truman Scholar Finalist
Triple major seeks to solve international social, environmental problems FEBRUARY 27, 2023 BY ERIN GARRETT From Morocco to Japan, Madeleine Dotson has traveled the world studying issues related to disaster relief, sustainability and climate change. The junior Arabic, economics and political science major at the University of Mississippi has been selected as a finalist for […]

Clarion Ledger: Economist Garrett Scott on Electric Car Bill
In the article Electric vehicle manufacturers seek to kill bill moving through Mississippi legislature by Wicker Perlis in the January 27, 2023 Mississippi Clarion Ledger, Garrett Scott, assistant professor of economics at the University of Mississippi, said barring electric car companies from operating in the state seems to go against traditional views of economic best […]

Reuters: Keep an Eye on the Money Supply
U.S. inflation roller coaster prompts fresh look at long-ignored money supply JANUARY 26, 2023 BY MICHAEL S. DERBY FOR REUTERS NEW YORK – The amount of money sloshing around the U.S. economy shrank last year for the first time on record, a development that some economists believe bolsters the case for U.S. inflation pressures continuing […]

UM’s Department of Economics Has the Goods on Innovation
New emphasis combines economics and law MARCH 10, 2022 What is the aggregate cost of crime in the United States? Should banks be allowed to benefit from credit checks? Does it hurt public safety if police officers are expected to spend substantial time raising revenue by issuing tickets? These are just some of the many […]

Economics of Self-Interest
Jon Moen knows what motivates Wall Street decision makers MARCH 10, 2020 BY ABIGAIL MEISEL To truly understand the inner workings of Wall Street, look to the fundamentals of human nature, a University of Mississippi economist advises. “Just because the tech is more advanced now doesn’t mean that the people are more advanced,” said Jon […]

Embry Memorial Scholarship 2019 Recipient Named
With Award, Recipient Carries on Rebel’s Legacy NOVEMBER 8, 2019 BY EMILY REYNOLDS Ethan Edmondson, a University of Mississippi freshman from Vardaman, Mississippi, is the 2019 recipient of the Joey Embry Memorial Scholarship, expanding the legacy of a beloved student and football player. Joey Embry was actively involved on the Oxford campus and was dedicated […]

Cultivating Leaders: Brendan Ryan
OCTOBER 8, 2019 The Stamps Leadership Scholarship at the University of Mississippi has allowed me to find nontraditional paths to my education in the context of a traditional university. It has allowed me to take control of my education, both academically and personally. My freshman year, I took a leave of absence for eight months […]

Freeman Foundation Grants Send UM Students to Other Side of the Globe
Grant supports 20 student internships in Eastern Asia AUGUST 19, 2019 BY SHEA STEWART Stretching from Beijing to Singapore, 20 University of Mississippi students received global work experience this summer while interning in Eastern Asia through a grant from the Freeman Foundation. Their roles this summer varied, from an accounting internship in Bangkok to a […]