Economics News

Students Receive Jose Luis de la Vega Scholarship
Impact of Stent Foundation JUNE 25, 2019 BY MARY STANTON KNIGHT Concern about college costs is understandably on the minds of both students and parents when deciding which university to attend. Thanks to the generous, continued support of the F.T. Stent Family Foundation, several University of Mississippi students are able to pursue their dreams with […]

Third Volume of UM Undergraduate Research Journal Published
Student-led publication showcases undergraduate research JUNE 11, 2019 BY SHEA STEWART Taking a research idea from its initial question all the way to academic publication can be a daunting task for any university student. First comes the process of distilling the research question to its essential inquiry. Then there’s the lengthy process of constructing the […]

Discovering a Second Family Halfway Around the World
Journey to Commencement: Daria Herasymova turns foreign exchange trip into everlasting Ole Miss experience MAY 3, 2019 BY ALI MAE WALSH When Daria Herasymova was a high school sophomore, she left Dripro, Ukraine, as a foreign-exchange student to spend her junior year 5,575 miles away at Oxford High School. She had been selected as a […]

McLean Institute Grant Award Funds Community Engagement
Hearin Foundation provides support for research and service efforts OCTOBER 5, 2018 BY STAFF REPORT A grant from the Robert M. Hearin Support Foundation for the University of Mississippi’s McLean Institute for Public Service and Community Engagement will fund research and service aimed at increasing community and economic development in Mississippi communities. The McLean Institute […]

Study Abroad Gives Croft Students Experience of a Lifetime
Semester, year overseas creates global citizens out of institute’s students SEPTEMBER 26, 2018 BY SHEA STEWART Since its beginning in 1998, the Croft Institute for International Studies at the University of Mississippi has supplied students with the tools to become global citizens. Chief among these tools are acquiring a high level of proficiency in a […]

Ole Miss Esports Ushers University into Video Game Competition World
UM, MSU announce inaugural Esports Egg Bowl for Oct. 13 SEPTEMBER 13, 2018 BY SHEA STEWART The dream goes a little something like this: A few short years down the road, several thousand fans are gathered in an arena on the University of Mississippi campus, enthralled in a game. The crowd cheers and gasps as […]

Seven UM Freshmen Named 2018 Stamps Scholars
Students exemplify best of scholarship, community service and leadership SEPTEMBER 11, 2018 BY EDWIN B. SMITH Seven members of the 2018 freshman class at the University of Mississippi have the distinction of being Stamps Foundation Scholars. The Stamps Scholarships at Ole Miss are the most comprehensive, full scholarship packages for in-state and out-of-state students. This […]

Gov. Phil Bryant Appoints Ole Miss Grad as State Auditor
JULY 8, 2018 Ole Miss graduate Shadrack “Shad” Tucker White was appointed as the new Mississippi state auditor by Governor Phil Bryant Friday, July 6. White replaces former auditor Stacey Pickering. White graduated summa cum laude from Ole Miss in 2008 where […]

UM Launches New Bachelor of Science Degree in Economics
Two years in the making, a new Bachelor of Science in Economics degree program is being offered at the University of Mississippi. The only one of its kind in Mississippi, the program was approved recently by the Board of Trustees of Mississippi Institutions […]

Economics Student Named Mount Vernon Leadership Fellow
Elizabeth Boyer among 16 chosen for prestigious summer program at George Washington’s estate APRIL 3, 2018 BY EDWIN B. SMITH A student in the Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College at the University of Mississippi has been selected as a 2018 Mount Vernon Leadership Fellow. Elizabeth Boyer of Houston, a junior economics major with a minor […]